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9 July 2018. There are many aspects to running a business and without an army of staff behind you, a sole trader can find most of the working day is spent completing small, but essential tasks. It is estimated that for a business to grow 80% of a business owners time should be spent on generating sales. If you enjoy working 24/7 this is doable, but if you are aiming to enjoy a healthy work/life balance you need to take action.
Running a successful business involves being aware of every aspect. It is important to know where manpower is spent, where the majority of the budget is spent and which avenue produces the most sales. To do this you need to analyze the running of your business in order to streamline tasks and increase productiveness. The Analytics module is a unique tool which creates key performance indicators, enabling identification of areas which would benefit from improvements and areas that are performing well.
To streamline the tasks essential to the running of your business you could consider outsourcing to a freelancer. The internet allows us to connect with people all over the world who are experts in their field. Outsourcing to freelancers lowers costs associated with recruitment and employment.
Here are some tasks associated with running a business which naturally lend themselves to being outsourced.
Telesales are time consuming and it sometimes feels as though it is a lot of effort for little return. Although sales are essential for business growth a lot of people find cold calling an uncomfortable process. You could consider outsourcing telesales and pick up any sales leads on a personal basis.
It is essential for any business to keep accurate accounts. Some people love the task, but many don’t. If you belong to the latter group you could consider outsourcing bookkeeping tasks and hire the expertise of an accountant at tax return deadline.
Although “paperwork” is often done digitally these days, there still remains a large amount. There are tasks relating to meeting minutes, storage of data, sales documentation and invoices. There will also be emails to compile, texts to send and documents to file. All of these tasks could be completed by a virtual PA, which will free up lots of time for other essential business tasks.
Social media management
If your business has not harnessed the power of social media yet, you’re missing out on thousands of potential sales leads. You can very effectively get your brand’s mission across to a huge audience by using the different social media platforms. Being active and engaging on social media requires a certain amount of effort and if time is short, you may be best placed hiring a social media manager on a freelance basis.
There are many freelancers to choose from, but caution should be taken when choosing someone right for your business. Ensure you ask for references and evidence of previous work.
Hopefully by following the above advice you will free up more time so that you can concentrate on generating sales leads.
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