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Tech Transformations, One Tech at A Time

– Contributed content –

Networked earth

(geralt, Pixabay)

26 May 2020. As time passes, tedious tasks become easier to perform, and technology is one of the significant contributors. The world has made extensive progress with regards to technology, and more advancements are welcome. There is a reason why many groups of people believe that digital technology can solve world problems and there is plenty of evidence to show for it.

In this article, you’ll gain a better understanding of how technology is changing the world by helping to resolve serious global challenges. In the end, you’ll also see why technology should be embraced to make the world a better place for all.

World challenges that technology can tackle

1. Sustainability and climate change

World sustainability is about preserving the existence of the earth and everything on it, with climate change as the greatest challenge. The rise in temperature puts various ecosystems at risk, and hence it has become a threat. This rise in atmospheric temperature is due to the carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions mostly caused by human activities.

Actions like deforestation, intensive farming and mining, over-consumption, excessive use of fossil fuels, and waste disposal all contribute to the 0.8°C increase in temperature since the 19th century. The solution to this problem includes creating sustainable energy, infrastructure, agriculture, transportation, consumption, and recycling, and that’s where technology comes in.

Technology has been developed to exploit other sources of renewable energy, including the sun and the wind, to reduce the emission of toxic gases into the atmosphere. Also, new ways to convert the harmful carbon gases in the atmosphere into useful products such as concrete and fuel is being explored. This way, the toxins no longer possess the power to cause harm to the environment.

Technology can also help in developing structures to store these greenhouse gases that are extracted from the atmosphere before being converted into more helpful products. These contributions of technology to sustainability will help save the weather, biodiversity, the oceans, and, indeed, the human race.

2. Global health issues

Disease is bound to affect the inhabitants of the earth, and so it is paramount that the most efficient solutions are found to combat them. Generally, technology helps with health issues like diagnosis, and analysis of disease. The way of handling disease treatment has significantly improved since the introduction of technology, and many more lives have been spared due to the high accuracy of technological systems. Also, access to healthcare has become much easier with the various equipment that can connect patients and doctors that are miles apart.

Medical equipment used in the treatment of health issues could also not be possible without the involvement of technology. MRI machines, operation devices, and even robot surgeons have all made it easier and even less invasive to handle medical issues. These days, with these technological advancements, patients recover faster with less visible scars from their illnesses.

Technology has also made it easier to conduct research into diseases and their causal agents to come out with solutions. Public health issues such as pandemic cases of flu have become more manageable, although still very tough, to handle. Technology has made it easier to identify causing agents of these illnesses to come up with interventions for their control, and then, a cure.

The outcome of the research facilitated by technology brings about the vaccines and drugs used in curing these diseases. Technology in healthcare also makes it easier to keep records to enhance the healthcare providers and enhance the experience for patients.

3. Education and learning

Indeed, a lot of barriers still exist when it comes to education, but you cannot ignore the contribution technology makes. One of the immense contributions is the introduction of the internet. The internet has gradually become a significant force in teaching and learning, providing endless resources to both educators and students to increase their knowledge of any subject matter.

Even outside of the classroom, anyone can have access to education, and they can still graduate whether or not they have classroom experience. Students can now gain the knowledge they need at their own pace, and assessments are more reliable when technology is involved. The internet in itself has evolved with regards to speed, and with the introduction of 5G, things are going to be ten times easier. At the moment, locating 5G cell towers may be a bit of a challenge as they are still quite scarce in many locations, but soon enough, they will be everywhere.

Technology also helps to close the existing gap between students living with disabilities and those who aren’t, in order to give everyone a fair chance to education. More disability-friendly learning materials are developed so that no one is left behind. With education being a factor in socio-economic status, you can say it’s one way that technology can close the gap between the wealthy and the poor.

4. Reducing poverty

Ending poverty is one of the sustainable development goals, and technology is one way to go. Firstly, apart from education, technology also helps to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor by providing jobs in sustainable activities. For example, farming is an industry that provides basic needs and has its by-product in high demand. Technology has contributed to this industry with machinery to carry out its activities. Technology also helps when it comes to finding the best fertilizer for crops and other advanced methodologies for profitable farming. The introduction of geospatial technology, which includes the use of drones and satellites, helps farmers to monitor their farming activities more precisely.

Mobile banking is another way that the poor are protected from the cost accompanied by the traditional banking system. With the introduction of mobile phones, the poor can protect their assets without any fear of loss. Technology also serves the poor when it comes to transportation, especially for transporting the ill to medical facilities. The introduction of bicycle trailers helps with these problems as well as for transporting things like water and food and other short distance activities.

With developing countries facing serious sanitation issues, technology also helps when it comes to waste management. Technology can transform the lives of the poor with better waste management systems to reduce illness and hence improve the quality of life. Small businesses can also use technology to enhance their provision of service and reach a much broader market with their skills.

5. Effective conflict resolution and decision-making

This is one of the non-obvious aspects that technology can be applied. Now, due to connections, it is easier to resolve conflict and instigate peace. The presence of social media, and hence the internet, promote peace-building by bringing out different opinions and perspectives. People are more understanding when they get to know what others are thinking and why, and it makes it easier to find common ground then. Technology allows for open discussions on an issue and also gives everyone a chance to voice their opinion. Eventually, everybody knows the stands of everyone else, and then a consensus is reached.

Technology, as a conflict resolution channel, works in small group conflict like in the workplace, as well as larger disputes. Technology has also contributed to providing the data that decision-makers need to come to accurate conclusions on several issues. Technology provides the resources for quality reviews and hence speedy decision-making as well.

Technology has played a considerable role in how far the world has come, but there is still a long way to go. While things are better than before, it will take some more time before all the world’s problems are entirely solved. That is because the existing technology is always being reviewed to find a better solution, while new ones are also developing for other issues. The future is optimistic once the innovation is involved, and there is an opportunity for everybody to benefit.

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