6 Feb. 2021. As we’ve reported and commented on here, the roll-out of vaccines to prevent Covid-19 disease in the U.S. got off to a rocky start. But despite daily fluctuations, the trend shows a growing number Americans injected with one of the two vaccines authorized so far.
The business data company Statista displayed a chart this week with the daily number of Covid-19 vaccinations from 26 Dec. 2020 through 2 Feb. 2021, shown as this weekend’s infographic. The data are drawn from Bloomberg’s vaccine tracker (free registration required), which gives the number of vaccinations each day. Early on, vaccinations were targeted to health care workers and long-term care facilities, but by the second half of January, larger numbers of essential workers and older residents started receiving their doses.
The number of vaccine shots in the U.S. increased to more than 1.5 million a day in late January, but dipped under 1 million by 2 Feb. Since that day, but not shown on the chart, vaccinations rebounded to 1.8 million on 5 Feb., with a seven-day rolling average of nearly 1.4 million shots per day.
We can expect the number of vaccinations to increase over the next few weeks as both supplies expand and eligible recipients are added, and the distribution process gets ironed out. For the record, I got my first of two vaccine shots on Wednesday.
More from Science & Enterprise:
- Infographic – More Eager for Covid-19 Vaccine
- Infographic – US Public Down on Vaccine Rollout
- Infographic – Vaccine Support Grows Across Ethnic Lines
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