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Infographic – Tracking Global Monkeypox Spread

Chart: Monkeypox status
Click on image for full-size view (Statista)

6 Aug. 2022. As monkeypox cases spread worldwide, national and international public health authorities are beginning to respond with emergency declarations. In addition, the data science initiative is tracking monkeypox cases and mortality in real time, with the web site Our World in Data compiling the numbers, displayed in chart form this week by the business research company Statista.

The latest monkeypox outbreak first drew notice in May 2022, when cases began appearing in the U.K. and Europe, from west and central Africa where the disease is endemic. The most visible symptoms of the disease are a pimple-like rash and lesions that spread the disease through close physical contact such as sex, as well as fatigue, chills, muscle aches, and swollen lymph nodes. World Health Organization declared monkeypox an emergency of international concern on 23 July, and the U.S. followed with its emergency declaration on Thursday.

The data and chart show as of end of July, the highest concentrations of monkeypox cases per 1 million residents are in North America and Europe. The data also show the extent of disease spread to Russia, Australia, China, and much of Asia and South America. But as also noted by Statista, few confirmed deaths reported so far from monkeypox outside Africa, with only one each in Brazil and India.

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