13 Oct. 2018. We don’t keep track of the number of male and female researchers on Science & Enterprise, but it seems that the number of women we report on increased in the past few years. The impression seems to be supported by a chart this week from our friends at Statista, taken from new report by the Council of Graduate Schools, this weekend’s infographic. Those data show more women than men receiving doctorate degrees in the U.S. in the 2016-17 academic year.
Overall, women represent 53 percent of PhD degrees granted compared to 47 percent for men. Among science and engineering degrees, women received a majority of doctorates in health sciences (70%), social and behavioral sciences (61%), and biological and agricultural sciences (53%). In other so-called STEM fields, however, men still lead in engineering (77%), mathematics and computer science (75%), and physical and earth sciences (66%).
In other fields we follow, business degrees are split about evenly between the genders, and women received more doctorates in education by more than a 2-to-1 margin.
Science & Enterprise returns with its regular editorial posts on Monday, 15 October.
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