Tag: grant
Life Science Incubator Gains $100M in Start-Up Funds
A new-business accelerator program, begun earlier this year to advance and commercialize biomedical research discoveries from academic labs, is receiving a $100 million founding grant.
FDA Funds Study of Real World Data for Biosimilars
A group of managed care organizations is examining the value of real world data from Europe and the U.S. to help FDA review alternative biologic drugs.
NIH Funds Antibody Discovery for Difficult Protein Targets
A biotechnology company is receiving NIH support for discovering antibodies that address the vast majority of proteins coded by the human genome, passed-up so far by drug makers.
Vaccine Shown to Protect Against Multiple Hospital Pathogens
Research with lab mice shows an experimental vaccine stimulates the body’s basic immune system to protect against a range of pathogens associated with hospital infections.
Industry-Academic Center to Boost Rare Disease Therapies
An alliance of academic labs and venture investors is starting a new research enterprise to speed development of treatments for rare diseases in the U.S. and U.K.
Biotech, Univ. Labs Test Psychoactive Drug as PTSD Therapy
A developer of treatments with psychedelic compounds for brain disorders is partnering with a lab at Yale University to assess methylone as a PTSD therapy.
Small Biz Grant Supports Regenerative Alzheimer’s Treatment
A new award from National Institutes of Health funds preclinical work to prepare for a clinical trial assessing a treatment to reverse brain signaling damage in people with Alzheimer’s disease.
Infographic – HIV Infections Fall in Africa. Rise in Mideast, Europe
The number of new infections from the human immunodeficiency virus or HIV declined worldwide last year and over the past decade, with the sharpest declines in sub-Saharan Africa.
Grant Funds Typhoid Vaccine Patch Development
A health research foundation grant is funding development of a vaccine protecting against typhoid fever, given in a patch from from a spring-loaded device.
Small Biz Award Funds A.I. Mosquito Monitoring System
A company creating a digital process to monitor farm insect pests is receiving funds to expand its technology for tracking and counting mosquitoes as a general public health threat.