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Project Management Guide For Introverts

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Writing in a notebook

(Lukas, Pexels)

20 Dec. 2019. As an introvert, you may assume that you do not have what it takes to be a successful project manager. Just because you are not the loudest and most open person in the world does not mean that you do not have what it takes to be a successful project manager. In fact, some of the most successful entrepreneurs around the world are introverts. We’re talking Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and co! If you are an introvert, you can definitely use these successful people as inspiration. You can also use the tips below to help you achieve a successful career in project management.

Stay away from any sort of scenario that causes over-stimulation

One typical trait of an introvert is that their sensitive brain chemistry means it is easy to get over-stimulated. Does this sound familiar? Managing this is important in order to be successful. You need to begin by ensuring you are self-aware and that you can recognize the sort of scenarios that would cause you to get frustrated and irritated with easy. Once you have done this, to reduce any inconvenience in the workplace, find a successful workaround so that the said scenarios do not stress you. There are lots of different approaches that can help you with this. It is all about self-regulation.

Master the art of effective delegation

Delegation is pivotal for any type of project manager if you are to manage projects successfully, especially one who is introverted. The value of delegating tasks effectively is something that all project manager need to recognize. By doing this, you will then have the capacity to focus on the strategic elements of your role. Not only this, but if you delegate activities appropriately, you will also be able to generate confidence within your team and build rapport. Micromanaging tasks, on the other hand, is counterproductive. Make sure you know how to assign the right tasks to the right people.

Improve your brainstorming sessions

Brainstorming is something all business project teams use in order to solve problems. In fact, you probably do not even realise you are doing it half of the time. However, it is a great method for coming up with creative solutions to issues and new ideas. Despite this, if you are to use this approach as effectively as possible, you need to consider your brainstorming sessions and ensure there is a structured and considered approach to them. With that being said, read on to discover some useful tips on enhancing the effectiveness of your brainstorming sessions.

Make sure you have a purpose – There is only one place to begin, and this is with having a purpose. This is something that students are often taught during project management courses with regards to holding effective meetings. This is because a lot of project managers have meetings for the sake of it, or they schedule a meeting and do not structure it or have a plan regarding what is going to be discussed. This is a recipe for disaster. After all, you are only going to have a good input if people know where all of their efforts are going.

Establish some ground rules – Another common problem with brainstorming sessions is that people have a tendency to talk over one and other. Because of this, solutions can often get confused and it is hard to keep focus. This is why you need to establish a set procedure that should be followed during every brainstorming session. For example, you could suggest that anyone who wants to speak raises his or her hand so that communication flows in a peaceful manner.

Reward people who are creatively courageous – This is an important one because you need to create an environment whereby people are not afraid to share their ideas, no matter how silly they may seem. You need to make sure that everyone feels comfortable. Reward people that are courageous with their creativeness, even if they present an idea that you do not follow.

Guide the discussion – Last but not least, as the project manager, it is up to you to guide the discussion and ensure it flows. One of the smartest ways to go about this is to build on ideas. Make sure everyone is encouraged to contribute. Moreover, stick to one idea at a time, otherwise focus is lost and the discussion will end up being sidetracked. At the same time, you need to generate numerous ideas and make sure you do not stay on the same line of thought for too long.

Recognize when the time is right to step out of your comfort zone 

Working alone tends to be the most desired environment for introverts. If you do not like spending much time with other people, this can be a bit of a barrier in project management, as you are going to need to interact with others. The more you do this, the easier it will be. Make sure you interact with your team members and all stakeholders regularly. The longer you leave it, the more difficult it will become.

Use Gantt charts to improve your work

When planning for a project, there is a lot that needs to be considered. One of the most important factors is determining what you and your team are actually going to need to make the project a success. You need to consider everything from the resources your team requires to the reporting methods you are going to use. In this post, we are going to take a look at Gantt charts and whether they are required for your project.

What is a Gantt chart?

This is a chart that features a number of horizontal lines that show production completion or the amount of work that has been done for a specific period of time in regards to what you had planned to be completed in this period. It is one of numerous tracking and monitoring approaches that are taught during project management training courses. Gantt charts can be very beneficial, but they are not required for all projects, and so you need to work out whether you need one or not.

Do you require a Gantt chart?

There are a number of different factors to consider to determine whether you need a Gantt chart. Firstly, you need to think about the nature of the project you are working on. Gantt charts are better for projects that demand long-term planning. You also need to consider the complexity of the project you are working on. Complex projects are the most challenging to manage because there are so many variables that can play a part. This is where Gantt charts really show their worth, as they give you the ability to link all of these variables with the scheduling.

Not only do you need to think about the nature of the project, but you also need to assess the capabilities of your team. Gantt charts may be an unwanted problem if your team has very limited project management skills and experience. If they have never worked with project management software before, you need to decide whether the learning curve they need to go on is going to be worth it. This also leads to the final point, which is the software. If you are going to proceed with this approach, you are going to need Gantt software that is user-friendly. You could even find a bit of middle ground and choose software that gives you the capacity to use bits and pieces of various methodologies, rather than sticking to one rigid approach.

Take a project management training course 

Last but not least, the importance of project management training should not be underestimated for any aspiring project manager. You may also want to consider a project management apprenticeship as an introvert, as this will enable you to get your foot in the door and get the experience you need. It will be scary at first, but overall you ease your way into the industry as you already have the expertise required.

So there you have it: some of the different steps that you can take in order to improve project management, including some special tips specifically for introverts. Some of the best project managers and leaders are introverts, so do not let this deter you from being an effective and successful project manager. You can do it.

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