Tag: Europe
Start-Up Licensing Antibody Eye Drops for Dry Eye Disease
An enterprise spun off from university labs is licensing its technology to a drug maker for eye drops with immune-system antibodies to treat dry eye disease.
Business-Academic Team to Create RNA Delivery for Cancer
A university lab and biotechnology company are developing new cancer treatments with therapies that stop RNA activity, delivered by advanced nanoscale particles.
mRNA Aerosol Delivered to Lungs to Treat Pneumonia
Messenger RNA, inhaled from an aerosol spray, is shown in lab rats with pneumonia to reduce inflammation, improve lung functions, and protect against further infections.
AI-Aided Mobile App Shown to Screen for Melanoma
The developer of an app using algorithms to analyze images of skin lesions says clinical trial findings show the system detects melanoma more reliably than some physicians.
Light-Activated Treatment Kills Covid-19 Nasal Viruses
Clinical trial findings show a light-activated disinfectant process kills SARS-CoV-2 viruses in the nose causing Covid-19 infections without harming nasal tissue.
Trial Underway Testing Bioelectronic Incontinence Device
The first participants are enrolled in a clinical trial of an implanted bio-feedback device to help women control urinary incontinence, sudden or stress-related urges to urinate.
Biotech, Academic Lab Partner on Microbiome-Safe Products
A biotechnology company creating products for gut health and a university immunology lab are evaluating cleaning products for potential damage to human protective tissues.
Nasal Spray Vaccine Shown to Stop Gonorrhea Infections
A vaccine against gonorrhea given as a nasal spray is shown to generate protective immune responses in lab mice of both sexes, and in females similar to an intravaginal vaccine.
CEPI Assessing Advanced RNA Nanoparticle Vaccine
An international health organization is evaluating a new type of vaccine made with biodegradable RNA nanoparticles to help head off future viral pandemics.
Audio Digital Biomarkers Start-Up Raises $3.7M in Seed Funds
A new company developing techniques to analyze internal physiological sounds captured by stethoscopes as health indicators is raising $3.7 million in seed funds.